Case Study for Barcode Verifier - Deliver Your Product to Market Shortly
Our company SuNPe has produced barcode verifier for our client, which help deliver the products to market in short time.

How does it can be delivered to the market quickly?
We use our rapid tooling and sheet metal services to produce the main body and handle parts. By sharing mould base, using family mould to simplify the tooling structures, so the rapid tooling service can expedite the process and deliver the parts within 15 days.

Also, it is important to control the quality for both machining and after treatment.
The main body requires soft-touch effect, so we offer rubber painting, and we would make the dimensions are held after the process.
These parts need to be coloured anodized. As we have to make small difference of colors for them, we made an anodized part as sample, then anodized the parts as per it, it was the reasonable way to decrease the not-good situation like obvious color difference.
In addition, we use laser engraving to etch the logo, comparing with the silk-screen, pad-printing and CNC milling, it is faster.
Quality of parts as well as the assembly would be kindly checked before delivery, project would be shipped when we had found everything were well done.
In short, low-volume production service at SuNPe can help deliver your products to market effectively with reasonable process.